

First and foremost, thanks for reading this blog. Hopefully you find it quite amusing, it may even interest you. You don't have to be a stand-up comedian to enjoy this blog. You don't even need to know a stand-up comedian. You just need to be amused by the tales of a guy who gets on stage to try and make people laugh, often fails, and then documents it.

Either way, I hope you enjoy the reading and I appreciate your time and support.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The gig is nearly upon me.......

Hi chums,

   It's been a bit longer than I would usually like between posts, but it's difficult because the workshop finished for the year about 3 weeks ago and doesn't start until this Tuesday ( 11th January). The gigs at Syn finished at the same time so I have been completely out of touch with anyone and everyone from the comedy circuit. In other words.....I have no idea what's going on.
   My only real link to stand up is my old house mate, Dil, who has been in Sri Lanka for the past month for Christmas and New Year and doesn't get back until the 16th. He's usually the go-to guy if I have any questions or need to contact anyone, but like I say, he's out of reach. That's left me a bit stranded really because I'm 99.9% sure my FIRST EVER GIG is on the 11th (I thought I booked it in for Tuesday the 10th but that doesn't seem to be right so I'm making an assumption). Because of my slight doubt that I have a gig booked, I've tried sending a couple of e-mails to the organiser of the evenings to see if he can clarify. Turns out he likes to be awkward and not get back to people. I've also tried "facebooking" anyone I can find who goes to the workshop to see if they know, but all they know is that Open Mic starts again on Tuesday. It's made preparing for it pretty hard to be honest. While everytime I think about it I suddenly feel the need to empty my bowels, another part of me doesn't even think I'll be doing it. Add that to the fact that over Christmas I have done zero rehearsals and I can't remember half of my routine, and I think we have a recipe for disaster.
  It's wierd, I've known for ages I had this gig pencilled in. But I've spent more time writing more material than focusing on the stuff I already have. Everytime I think "Right, let's sit down and read through my routine", I then decide I've got plenty of time to do it another day. What doesn't help is that in my head, my gig is in 2011. So despite the fact I don't know it by heart with 2 weeks to go, in my head I'm going "What's the rush, the gig isn't 'til next year!".
    So what have I been doing? Well, working mostly. My glamorous job as a car detailer came to an end on New Year's Eve as I had worked for my employer for the maximum time allowed according to my visa. So due to the fact I knew I wasn't going to have an income soon, I worked my arse off over the Christmas period. I did get a couple of days off to relax, like Christmas Day, but that was a wasted day off. I'm travelling with my girlfriend so it's just us here. I don't have any family in Australia, nor does she. And the few friends we have made here either went home for Christmas, or had moved on to their next backpacking destination. So, essentially, we spent Christmas alone. It was nice but we aren't the sort of people to plan things. We thought we'd play it by ear and hopefully find a pub that was open to have a drink and maybe even a roast dinner. But reality was very different. We walked down to where the main road of pubs and restaurants are near us and nothing was open. However the trams were running on Sunday timetable, so, in all our wisdom we decided to take a tram ride and see where it took us. This may sound like a spontaneous and potentially fun filled journey but it was not. It took us half an hour up one very long road, which we spent looking out the window at all the closed shops, the half an hour back down again. By this time we were pretty peckish so we stopped for some food. Where did we have our Christmas Lunch I hear you ask? ..........Hungry Jacks. That's Burger King for anyone not in Australia currently. Yep, I had a double whopper with cheese for Christmas dinner. How depressing.

 The Christmas Lunch I'd been dreaming of.

   So basically, I didn't spend my Christmas learning my routine, or anything constructive for that matter. I spent it cleaning cars and eating Hungry Jacks.
      The other thing I thought I'd mention, which I kind of touched on earlier, is how nervous I get when I think about my gig. I think it's natural to be nervous and I think it will end up being ok, but until yesterday I hadn't shown my girlfriend any of my routine. Mainly because I'm aware of the fact my material is mainly about sex and willies which I knew she would think is crude and aiming for a cheap laugh. But I decided I'd practice in front of her for the first time last night.........it wasn't what I was hoping for. Her first reaction was, "why don't you write a parody instead?". When I explained that I wasn't going to go in a whole new direction less that a week before my gig, her response was "It just wasn't very long and I only got one joke". Like I said, this wasn't how I wanted her to react. I wanted her to flat out lie and tell me it was hilarious and I was going to kill it. But she didn't, and now I'm more nervous than ever.
   So that's about it. That's all the updates I have for now, I guess the next time I write I will of not only attended another workshop, I will of done my first gig too! And you'll be the first to know how it goes!

   Lots of hugs and kisses,

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