

First and foremost, thanks for reading this blog. Hopefully you find it quite amusing, it may even interest you. You don't have to be a stand-up comedian to enjoy this blog. You don't even need to know a stand-up comedian. You just need to be amused by the tales of a guy who gets on stage to try and make people laugh, often fails, and then documents it.

Either way, I hope you enjoy the reading and I appreciate your time and support.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Blogging Revolution And A Pretty Eventless Week.....

Dear All,

     I feel I should start by mentioning the new way I intend to blog from now on. I have heard from a reliable source (my girlfriend told me) that one of the things that make a good blog is to not write essay sized posts once a week. I've thought about it and although I enjoy sitting back and admiring my lengthy descriptions of the week I've had, I think you, the reader, would find it easier and more entertaining to read shorter anecdotes, jokes and stories from my week. However, I also have it under good authority (my girlfriend told me) that to get readers coming back for more, I should post blogs more often. So here is my compromise. Rather than blather on and on about how my week went, I will update you with shorter posts two or three times a week. This should ensure maximum comedy content without boring you to death. So consider this the first day of a new era in your lives.

    I'll start with Tuesday. A bit of a frustrating one. We were all told at the workshop last Tuesday that due to a private function, the workshop and open mic night wouldn't be taking place. I imagine some really selfish middle-aged man decided he was going to have a birthday on that day and not ask if we minded if he ruin our week and put a massive dent in the progression of our comedy careers. Some people are intolerable.
    I had a week to get over it and by the following Tuesday I was well prepared to not attend a workshop, but to make an extra effort to cycle into town and attend two different open mic nights. I made the mammoth effort of cycling to M.I.B (it is a mammoth effort if you are as unfit and overweight as me). I arrived a good twenty minutes early and purchased myself a nice cold diet coke in anticipation for comedy. At around ten to nine a guy called Rob, who I know from the workshop came in and informed me that the private function had been cancelled and the workshop went ahead. Not only that but the open mic night at the Comic's Lounge was now back on and anyone who was at the workshop could have a gig. My first thought was how annoyed I was that I could of had a gig if someone had called to say it was back on. But my second thought was to wonder whether the private function had been cancelled due to a sudden realisation by the Birthday Boy that he was being intolerably selfish and putting a dent in the progression of our comedy careers. But I doubted it so I went back to feeling frustration over missing out on a gig. Something good did come from being at M.I.B though. I managed to book a gig in for the 8th March. Which means that evening will be the first night that I will have two gigs in one night. Progression. After I'd achieved that, I couldn't be bothered to wait around for the comedy to start so I cycled over to Syn to see who was on there.

     My old chum Dil was on at Syn, as were a couple of others I know so it was good to watch them. Plus it was another heat of the competition that I will be in next week so I wanted to eye up the talent, so to speak. It was very wierd though because I don't think anybody who was on brought along anyone to watch them. And I don't think anyone came in off the street for a drink. So I counted seven people in the audience. Including myself. They were all comedians and weren't there to laugh but to perform, so it was a very quiet, intimidating night. Even the MC decided at the first interval that he'd had enough and went home, leaving one of the other comedians there to continue MC-ing. Like I said, it was a wierd night.

     Tonight I think I might head to a venue I haven't been to before and possibly book myself in to gig there as soon as I can, so you can expect to hear all about that in the next few days. You lucky things. And remember to keep checking in for updates because they will be more regular from now on.

 Peace Out,


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